Analyze Signal Strength of Available WiFi Networks on Android and Choose The Best Among Them
The lives we lead today are so influenced with Information Technology, that a life without it has become unimaginable. Whatever field, we jump into, is soaring with the world of IT, and IT without internet is never complete. Accessing the internet for our very basic uses has become the most common practice; whether it is for studying or work purposes, research or even for entertainment, the internet is the endpoint for any person.
For this very reason, the internet has journeyed from the simple dial-up system to the very modern Wifi connections. Today, without even connecting computers with cables, internet connections can be established through wireless devices. Wifi’s usually have a wide range of signals, but to ascertain which connection has the best strength is always not possible. To determine the strength of a wifi connection, the application of Wifi analyzer for Android works like a charm.
Wifi analyzer for Android is free and exhibits all the wireless connections that are being perceived by the device. Every connection and the signals reaching the device are further demonstrated through five ways:
- AP List
- Signal meter
- Channel Graph
- Time Graph
- Channel Rating
The AP list is a type of bar chart, representing every connection, its channel, the company providing the internet facility and of course it’s’ strength in numbers. The IP address, Gateway, Netmask, DNS1 and DNS2 along with the Server IP are also shown through the application.
The Signal Meter form representing the signal strength is divided into three segments: green viewing strong, yellow signifying normal while the gray area shows a low strength. The connection, speeding towards the green area is considered the best option.
The wifi signals and channels are also presented in a graph form known as Channel Graph. The signals shown on the vertical axis alongside the channels shown on the horizontal axis are able to deliver a curve for every connection.
The graph begins and ends according to the range of channels it can utilize – whereas the higher the curve, the greater the strength of the connection. A time graph also represents the strength of the signals.
Another tab presented in the application under the pictorial presentation of stars titled as Channel Rating, illustrates all the channels available. The strength of signals through a channel is presented by the ratings of the stars. Clicking on a particular connection result in answering the channel being used and what other channels could deliver a better connection.
The channel settings can also be set according to the channels available in the concerned region – an entire list of the channels is offered and the preferred channel can be chosen from the array.
The best thing about the application is that it keeps on monitoring the internet connections, and the signals change according to the position of the device. Moving further away from the internet connection will result in a lower strength and vice versa. The application is a great way to check out the internet connections which are available and to discover which connection has the most to offer.
Wifi Analyzer has an option to get the scan of all the connections manually or automatically; if an automatic scan is set, the scan interval is also decided. This feature removes any room of not being able to discover a new internet connection.
Furthermore, the application provides the option of setting up the outlook of the application according to the users’ own taste: by changing the colors, appearance and graph presentation. The application provides a complete array of features that can not only help the user in discovering the perfect connection, but it also explains how to attain the maximum potential of any connection.
Install Wifi Analyzer Now [play store link]