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How to Take and Add Screenshots in a Document [Word 2013]

Posted in Microsoft11 years ago • Written by Jenny AaronComments Off on How to Take and Add Screenshots in a Document [Word 2013]

Sometimes you are preparing a word document where you need to take a screenshot to show the facts or faults in the document to send some of your colleagues. Sometimes it is also the requirement of the students who are preparing the study notes. They need to add some screenshots to show something important related to their subject.

That is why Microsoft has added Screenshot tool in MS Word 2013 for such users who need to use this feature time and again in their Word documents. In other versions of MS Word, the users need to take screen shots by using the “Print Screen” button on their keyboard and they have to paste the taken screenshot somewhere by using a program like “Paint” etc.

Then they were able to send this screenshot to the relevant person. Now Microsoft has introduced “Screenshot” option in MS Word 2013 that has made it easier for the users to take screenshots and it will automatically be added to their document and they do not need to use the “Ctrl + v” option to paste it.

Below guide will show you how to use this amazing feature in Word 2013.

Step 1: Open a Word document where you need to add the Screenshot of any other document or window. Now you should also open the other window that should be screened clipped in the first document. You need to click the category “Insert” that lies at Ribbon. It will show you different tools under this category.

Insert Menu in MS Word-1Step 2: Now you will see a sub-category known as “Illustrations” under this category. You need to click on the “Screenshot” from its menu.

Screenshot Option in Word-2Step 3: Once you click on it, it will show you various options. You need to select “Screen Clipping” from the list that can be found at the end of the list.

Screen Clipping Option-3Step 4: Now the page will appear before you that should be clipped. You can clip the required part of the page by keeping the mouse button pressed and dragging the required area.

Screen Clipping for Word-4Step 5: Once you have done with the selection of your required area, it will automatically be added to your document where you want to paste it.

Screenshot Added to Word Document-5