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Power Tap; Add Reboot, Respring and Safe Mode Options in iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch

Posted in Apple11 years ago • Written by Hammad RafiqueComments Off on Power Tap; Add Reboot, Respring and Safe Mode Options in iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch

I was wondering that every OS available for different devices has option to restart, shut down and to run in safe mode, but when it comes to iOS, it doesn’t have. When you restart a computer or mobile phone, all of its processes shut down and restart again, it’s just like a new and fresh feeling for your PC. To avoid errors and heat-up issues every single machine needs rest, shut down and reboot options bring rest to these machines.

Power Tap [Reboot and Safe Mode iOS]Image credit [Flickr]

In iOS 7, when you press and hold the power button, it shows you option to shut down your iDevice; I feel annoying when I don’t see any option to restart my device, to restart my iPhone I have to power it off and then turn it on again; hate this long process. Few days back, I was thinking that reboot, respring and safe mode options should be available in iOS 7.x.x because they are really essential for iDevices. They’re essential because of the below reasons:

Reboot: To refresh the device’s processes and also to allow changes to take place. When you install any tweak or configure any new app, your iDevice needs to be restarted to help the installed app work properly.

Safe Mode: To avoid bugs and errors, in some cases iDevices should be run in safe mode, because in safe mode only basic services are loaded.

Respring: It’s similar to reboot, but it only reboots the springboard.

Tweak available for jailbroken devices named “Power Tap” helps you to add option to reboot and respring your iDevice and also allows you to run your iOS device in safe mode manually. To run you iDevice in safe mode, you must have any other third party tweak, but this Power Tap tweak have this safe mode option already in it.

Power tap options


You’re just required to install this tweak via Cydia store and after installation go to Setting> Power Tap and turn on your desired service from here.

Power tap settings

After turning on the required things, press and hold the power button and you’ll see the default “slide to power off” option, when you’ll tap on the power icon available on immediate left of the “slide to power off” text, it will show other options like reboot, respring and safe mode; to change the options keep tapping on the power off icon.

Furthermore, you can set custom text for all of the options available in this tweak.

This Power Tap tweak is totally free and BigBoss repo is supporting it.

Note: I am using it on my iPhone 5, but sometimes it hangs and crashes the power off panel by itself, though this tweak works awesome and saves time.